Thoughts on SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) in the UK
Posted 30-Oct-2020, just as South Derbyshire and nearby areas go into Tier 2 lockdown
- What should be happening is as per
The Great Barrington Declaration.
It's appalling that Google has been hiding the GBD from search results.
Only Sweden and a few other countries were sensible enough to follow decades of normal practice for pandemics, rather than the mass hysteria & group-think in governments as of March 2020. - The
associated FAQ
was expanded recently to counter ill-informed criticism.
- Mike Yeadon describes problems in detail in
What SAGE has got wrong.
This interview with Dr Mike Yeadon is a superb summary of the key issues Delingpod: Dr Mike Yeadon - As an example, this key paper from Porton Down experts was tabled at SAGE
but the Minutes indicate it was never discussed, so it's no surprise that SAGE has since seemed unaware of the
false positive rate of PCR testing - a key factor in the mass testing programme.
S0519 - Impact of false positives and negatives in UK's PCR testing programme.
The approx 2% False Positive Rate, which combined with the approx 0.02%-0.1% actual prevalence of the disease, means that the mass Pillar 2 PCR testing is returning 'positive' results of which approx 90% may be false.
This is discussed further by James Ferguson in Government Innumeracy and by Rob Verkerk in Why your positive test result is likely wrong. -
Covid-19 in Proportion? compares COVID-19 to previous coronavirus outbreaks.
- The global perspective is covered by John Ioannidis in
Global perspective of COVID-19 epidemiology for a full-cycle pandemic.
- The legal aspects are covered brilliantly by Lord Sumption in his lecture
Government by decree – Covid-19 and the Constitution.
He explains that the government and their police lackeys have been operating without legal authority for some of their actions. The government has arranged things to minimise parliamentary control and oversight.
- Gov dashboard
- Coronavirus in the UK
- Lockdown Sceptics is the hub for all who are uncomfortable with the gov's handling
- Lockdown Sceptics
- Online news sites strong on independent comment and reporting
- Spiked Online
- UnHerd
- The Critic
- OffGuardian
- Hector Drummond
- UnHerd
- NHS stats on hospitals
- COVID-19 Hospital Activity
- Referenced and sourced COVID-19 information
- Evidence Not Fear
- Freedom with Respect - a way to safely respond to COVID-19 which avoids lockdowns and minimises the impact of social distancing
- Green Band Red Band
- NAO estimates of the cost of measures announced in response to the coronavirus pandemic
- COVID-19 cost tracker
- Site focusing on the negative consequences of the worldwide mishandling of COVID-19
- The Price of Panic