Friday, 30 October 2020

Thoughts on SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) in the UK

Thoughts on SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) in the UK

Posted 30-Oct-2020, just as South Derbyshire and nearby areas go into Tier 2 lockdown


Gov dashboard
Coronavirus in the UK
Lockdown Sceptics is the hub for all who are uncomfortable with the gov's handling
Lockdown Sceptics
Online news sites strong on independent comment and reporting
Spiked Online
The Critic
Hector Drummond
NHS stats on hospitals
COVID-19 Hospital Activity
Referenced and sourced COVID-19 information
Evidence Not Fear
Freedom with Respect - a way to safely respond to COVID-19 which avoids lockdowns and minimises the impact of social distancing
Green Band Red Band
NAO estimates of the cost of measures announced in response to the coronavirus pandemic
COVID-19 cost tracker
Site focusing on the negative consequences of the worldwide mishandling of COVID-19
The Price of Panic